
Lindsay Beyerstein of Majikthise has taken up the challenge initially set forth by the Democracy Cell Project and is publicizing a letter-writing campaign to the media to express disgust with its treatment of the Schiavo case. Here’s mine:

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am writing to tell you that there are many Americans (as the polls seem to indicate) who find the actions of Congress last evening reprehensible. I am one. The Constitutional ramifications of the vote yesterday are severe. Congress has essentially concluded that it can, on a whim, yank a court case from a state’s jurisdiction when it doesn’t like the outcome. This is wrong, and it sets a dangerous precedent for the separation of powers.
Moreover, it might behoove you in the media to temper your language when describing this situation. All day yesterday the television anchors were breathlessly announcing that Congress might step in “to save Terry Schiavo.” Any reasonable reading of the medical documents would have shown that there is nothing to save; Mrs. Schiavo has no cognitive ability left, and without that, we are all just warm breathing pieces of meat.

If you want to join in, here are the addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Copy and paste into your e-mail program.
Update:, & came back undeliverable. There may be an updated list at Majikthise’s place in the comments.


  1. Yeah, I was watching a local station earlier (whatever station CSI is on -haha), and saw some ads for the local news, where they were sucking people in with breathless comments about “saving Terri”. But then I caught a snippet of the news, and in the actual report, it was rather balanced actually… They basically just went on to report about a similar local case from a few years ago.
    So I think that breathless saving Terri bit was DEFINITELY a try at sensationalism advertising.
    And now I decided to watch “Nightline”, and they’re interviewing some guy, and they’ve addressed all the wild allegations and all, and rather sensibly. The guy (not sure who he was) was sympathetic about the parents, but addressed all the issues from wild allegations to the issue of the government butting in in a private case… all very sensibly and rationally.
    The fact is, all the polls going way back say that most people do NOT see an issue here.
    It’s just these crazy people on-line & religious right-wing people with “news” web sites & such, I believe. hahaha.
    And lord, don’t even get me started about people linking to that terrisfight dot whatever as if that’s the place you can get the facts. haha.
    I really think this has been mostly a case of internet fantasyland, you know?
    Some people seem to think on the internet all reality is suspended and facts mean nothing. haha.
    It reminds me of my vet. He’s an old guy, very old fashioned, so he’s likely not on the internet. But he’s given me a bunch of propaganda mimiographed sheets on conspiracies.
    From what I recall, I believe he thinks that the Oklahoma City bombing (not sure if he saw “Arlington Road” or what) was part of a larger conspiracy perpetrated by the U.S. government, using blacks, to give American children inadequate education, and that the terrorists are actually in league with major nations, and it’s all part of fooling us all, by using inferior not white people as pawns, because they’re naturally pre-disposed to violence and not as smart so as not to be used.
    Mind you, he’s great with animals. Many years of experience as a farm vet and domestic pet vet… treats everything from dogs & cats to iguanas, etc. He’s like Dr. Doolittle. The only vet that can handle my cat – she doesn’t even put up a fuss for him, when other vets have needed assistance to deal with her. He’s very dedicated and will sleep on a cot in a room at the animal hospital when he has animals there in the hospital.
    But I think he’s off his rocker when it comes to some of his political views & conspiracy ideas. haha. And I think he has OCD and is a hoarder or something. The animal hospital is cluttered and seems downright creepy.
    But everyone I know who’s ever taken their pets to him have been very impressed with him as a vet. But everyone thinks he’s nuts. haha.

  2. My vet (well, my dog’s vet) once told me he thought ABC News was too liberal. I refrained from discussing anything else about current affairs with him.
    I do think there’s some form of self-delusion going on with some of these people, or else they’ve never been in the boat Michael Schiavo is in. I have.

  3. haha!! Well, I think ABC News is not wildly right-wing… but I’d hardly call it liberal.
    What’s even funnier is when someone calls the NYTimes liberal.
    Anyway, I found out all about my vet’s ideas & personal views when my cat was hospitalized, and I would go to visit my cat. He let me stay for a few hours at a time, so it was a small price to pay for spending those last days with my Fief.

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