Raise your sights

The low expectations game has been played by Bush’s handlers so well that I fully expect, if Kerry wipes the floor with Bush during the debate tonight, he will be excoriated by the Republicans and their Fox mouthpieces for “picking on the President”.

Update: C-Span is doing split-screen, despite the “agreement.” It’s a treat to watch the other guy’s face.


  1. Personally, I felt Kerry destroyed him. We’ll see, though, how the public feels.
    Btw, I made a trade offer to you… well, more of a feeler.

  2. Just finished watching it (I taped it this afternoon) … it was unintentionally hilarious with the kids’ MST3K-style commentary. Alex asked if the speechwriters received royalties for each time certain statistics or phrases were repeated … someone must be getting a buck every time he says “grand diversion” or else why would he keep saying it? (sez the kid)
    He also posited that during the VP debate, Chaney will need to be regularly bleeped. 😉

  3. Now that’s funny, Sue!
    And Scott, you and Novak apparently saw different debates. Go over to CNN and look at their “Pundit Scorecard.” Novak gave Bush B+ and B, Kerry D and D+.

  4. Bushmeister was unprepared….kind of stupid for a Prez doncha think????
    He also had the “Deer in the Headlights” look..
    Methinks he needs more practice…..Maybe Karen Huges in an earpiece???
    Kerry came across pretty sane, and pretty well mastered his debate technique….

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