
I make my living reading material online, but I can’t imagine reading an entire book that way. A lot of people do, it seems. There are an estimated 25-30,000 pirated books online, one outfit guesses. Huh.
Whoo boy. This sounds familiar. If you’ve ever thought of paying a fee for information from one of those ubiquitous people search outfits, read this amusing tale first, and check your wallet after.
Speaking of wallets, I heard somebody say that part of the reason for George Tenet’s departure from CIA today was financial; he has a son who’s about to enter college. Now, c’mon. The Director of Central Intelligence may not be getting paid as much as an executive VP at a Forbes 500 company, but the salary has to be in the six-digit range (update: Larry Johnson, who’s ex-CIA, just said on Talk of the Nation that it’s $150K/year); there’s an awful lot of people who manage to send their kids to school on far less.


  1. Ah.. c’mon.. he’s taking a fall for Bush. Bush sure as h*ll can’t take credit for his own f*ck-ups.

  2. Free Texts

    Here is a worthy project for support (via Jim). It’s called the Sacred Text Archive. The purpose of the site is to collect the world’s sacred texts, translate them to HTML, and make them available. Go there, enjoy the site,…

  3. he needs a rest..(yeah, right….)
    He’ll write a book, become a guest speaker and appear on Larry King…
    he’ll get bucks to send his little boy to college, yet..
    Can’t his own kid get money for school?
    Why, in my day, I worked and went to school, and got loans for school…
    OW!, must go back to my rocker and blanket now… ;-}

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