Here’s what you can expect to see all over the nightly news this evening: More pictures from Abu Ghraib. If your stomach is strong enough, you can click on the “More photos” link at the right sidebar within that article. Mixed in with more than 1,000 digital pictures obtained by The Washington Post are photographs …

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National Parks

If you’re traveling within the country this summer, here’s a list of National Park experiences compiled by the National Park Foundation. Click to get more info including links to the individual park sites. Best place to watch a sunrise – Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Maine Best photo opportunity – Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Montana, …

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What would Fred & Barney say?

If the Italian evolution brouhaha wasn’t enough for you, behold the Dinosaur theme park. At Dinosaur Adventure Land, visitors can make their own Grand Canyon replica with sand and read a sign deriding textbooks for teaching that the Colorado River formed the canyon over millions of years: “This is clearly not possible. The top of …

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