Church and city-state

This is why the separation of church and state is so important. The Roman Catholic bishop of Colorado Springs has issued a pastoral letter saying that American Catholics should not receive communion if they vote for politicians who defy church teaching by supporting abortion rights, same-sex marriage, euthanasia or stem-cell research. There is another view, …

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All you Movable Type bloggers, go read Jay Allen’s thoughtful explanation of what MT is doing, and then breathe a little easier. As I suggested to Jay, maybe he should be an adjunct community relations advisor to Six Apart.

What fools these mortals be

If you, like me, often think you’re smarter than the Washington punditocracy, now’s your chance to prove it. This week Jeopardy has many of them as panelists. The lineup includes Ashleigh Banfield Maria Bartiromo Aaron Brown Gretchen Carlson Tucker Carlson Anderson Cooper Ari Fleischer Al Franken Kweisi Mfume Peggy Noonan Keith Olbermann Tim Russert Tavis …

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Who said what when?

Here’s a useful chronology of our leaders’ public statements while the abuse at Abu Ghraib was occurring. From Electrolite. Repeat after me: The cover-up is [politically] worse than the crime. In this instance, I’m not sure that aphorism holds up without the parenthetical phrase.