
It’s so hot this stuff has turned sluggish. Postscript: In the “There oughtta be a law” department, that link, taken from the picture at my home page, was broken. That’s right; the people at the Hawai’i Volcano Observatory changed their directory! Shouldn’t people be required to send out notices?

Blogs and dogs

You may have seen a post somewhere about a survey being done by the provider/middleman for Blogads. The results are in, and they make for interesting reading. The genetic structure of dogs has been discovered, and there are some surprises and some huge potential benefits to the study of human disease. However, for a disease …

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Let’s you and them pay

On May 12 union leaders, academics, and community activists met to discuss a strategy to rein in Wal-Mart’s growing influence on pay and benefit scales throughout the American economy. In response to news of this meeting, here’s what Wal-Mart had to say: Sarah Clark, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman, said the company knew little about the meeting. …

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Is the Modern Era history? That 500-year period, marked by the age of exploration, the creation of nations and the Enlightenment that unleashed ideologies designed to empower the individual, faces its last great challenge in the 50 disparate countries that constitute the Islamic world — ruled by the last bloc of authoritarian monarchs, dictators and …

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Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints…

Found in an otherwise ordinary article about a Christies auction of some of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s papers: The papers are to be auctioned off Wednesday, perhaps to disappear again into the obscurity of private ownership, a fate that had obsessed Richard Lancelyn Green, a former chairman of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London. Lancelyn …

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