Don’t forget Carl!

“What did the president know and when did he know it?” a Republican senator — Howard Baker of Tennessee — famously asked of Nixon 30 springtimes ago.
Having read the report of Major Gen. Antonio Taguba, I expect Baker’s question will resound again in another congressional investigation. The equally relevant question is whether Republicans will, Pavlov-like, continue to defend their president with ideological and partisan reflex, or remember the example of principled predecessors who pursued truth at another dark moment.
Today, the issue may not be high crimes and misdemeanors, but rather Bush’s failure, or inability, to lead competently and honestly.
What did George W. Bush know and when did he know it? Another wartime president, Harry Truman, observed that the buck stops at the president’s desk, not the Pentagon.

That’s Carl Bernstein, the other half of the most famous team of journalists in American history, writing in USA Today Monday.