
Imagine you’re sitting in a parking space at the local shopping center before getting out to go to the ATM. You’re listening to Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me, and you’re paying more attention to the last joke than you are to the cars around you. You don’t notice that a car has pulled up on your left. The jokes end, the show goes to a break, and you get out of the car to grab your cash from the wall dispenser. As you open up the door and stand up, you see, not six inches from you, the large and furry head of a black Chinese Chow-Chow extending out the passenger window of the car to your left. Do you

  • emit a loud yelp
  • reach out to pat the dog
  • quickly step back into your car, or
  • none of the above?

What a beautiful dog! He had the characteristic ruff around the neck, and a very steady look at me as I carefully sidled out between my car and his. Unfortunately, he didn’t open his mouth, so I couldn’t verify how blue-black his tongue was.