Who’s minding the store?

Former counterterrorism officials said at least half a dozen [of their former colleagues] have left the White House Office for Combating Terrorism or related agencies in frustration in the 2 1/2 years since the attacks.
Some also left because they felt President Bush had sidelined his counterterrorism experts and paid almost exclusive heed to the vice president, the defense secretary and other Cabinet members in planning the “war on terror,” former counterterrorism officials said.
The attrition among all levels of the Office for Combating Terrorism began shortly after the attacks and continued into this year. At least eight officials in the office — which numbers a dozen people — have left and been replaced since 9/11. Several of the officials were contacted by Reuters.

You can see what those officials have to say here.
This should worry all of us. Eight out of twelve staff members have quit? Sure, the article says they’ve been replaced, but how much institutional memory is left?
Meanwhile, Professor Cole tells us, Iraq is going to hell in a handbasket. Even if the population suddenly wakes up to realize just what kind of a mess Bush has gotten us into and votes him out, how hard is it gonna be for his replacement to pick up the pieces?