Pepys Service Announcement

If you haven’t yet done so, please add your location and price per gallon to the Gas Price Map below.
From the estimable Cooties:

I have some news for you regarding the Pepys Project: it’s obsolete.
In its place I’ve created ‘Pepys Project II’ (it took me *weeks* to come up with that ingenious name). This baby is faster and stronger, and consumes a fraction of the resources.
As I can’t convert the old database, I’m extending an invitation to all 3500 of you to add your URL. It also allows me to weed out the garbage left over the past two years.
The Big Changes:

  • its own domain (no! really!):
  • personal blogs/diaries/journals only, though group blogs for a specific region will also be accepted
  • now done in PHP4 and MySQL; faster, smaller and even more cheerful.
  • new ‘5 Pepys’ rating system (much better than the old fashioned 5-star system, wouldn’t you agree?)
  • can now translate main pages into 4 other languages (more as time permit)
  • ability for visitors to report dead links
  • ‘Editor’s Picks’ for those special blogs I’d like to bring to your attention
  • no more late night rebuilds.
  • PHP rocks!

When you have a moment, please add your blog/diary/journal to the index – remember to include your city, or at the very least your state.
Thank you all for the past two years and the success of the original Pepys Project. Because of traffic, I’ll leave the old version running until it dwindles down to nothing.
formerly of Pepys I.
now of Pepys II.
and of course, Cooties.

If you have a Pepys Project button on your sidebar, don’t forget to change the URL it points to. Oh, and type your blog description carefully; at the moment there’s no way to modify it if you screw up.


  1. Thanks for the mention – I appreciate it. With the ‘sendmail speed limit’, word-of-mouth is the only way to direct folks.
    There is a way to correct entries: write to me. It’s easier for me to change them now than it was before (believe it or not), so it’s a quick click and the changes are done.
    Thanks again.

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