Journals of a different color

If medical journals aren’t your reading material of choice, you could always try baseball blogs. Josh Levin has a nice article about them in Slate. My only gripe is that Josh doesn’t mention Baseball Musings, which is a great place to start your baseball day. Trivia note: the least covered team is the Colorado Rockies, while the one with the most words expended on it is (surprise) the Red Sox, followed closely by the Cubs.


  1. So what is it really with baseball and bloggers? I read the Slate article, and I do think there is more to it than what they say.
    Curious because I do follow baseball probably more than the average person.
    Now you’ve left me wondering why are there fewer bloggers covering the Rockies. You got any ideas?

  2. I think the Rockies are still a young team in baseball terms; they have no playoff/WS history behind them, which is something the older ones have (even the Marlins). My guys, the Dodgers, haven’t been to a Series since 1988, and the nine bloggers can always hark back to that wonderful year; the Rockies don’t have that yet.
    I could also be full of baloney with that whole theory. 🙂

  3. What about your LOCAL teams, Steve? The Hilo Stars… the Maui Canefires… the Honolulu whatever the hell they are?
    Sure– they only play in October– but the rest of us want to read about them, darnitall…

  4. Definitely not about to blog about baseball but I’ve been following the Dodgers since the 70’s. (Has it been that long? Three decades?) Actually, my interest has dropped since the Murdoch deal. Oh, yes, I’m still miffed the Piazza sell-off.
    Actually, your Colorado theory sounds fine but I’m surprised because CO baseball stats has been a bit wild, hasn’t it with the altitude.

  5. Hmmm, the Rockies hit baseball the same year as the Marlins, so I can’t really see the Marlins being called an older team, just a better team. And really, I have to think that may be what’s behind that.
    I love my Rockies but they quite honestly stink, so why should anyone blog about them?? They have no history for us to keep going over and over and at this point this season isn’t looking like anything to write about either. *Sigh*

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