1. $1.89 for premium (the motorcycles get the best) on the north shore in massachusetts. didn’t catch the prices of the other grades or at other stations.

  2. When I filled up yesterday, most stations were approximately $2.04/$2.14/$2.24 (regular/mid/premium).
    For reasons that are inexplicable to me, Arco is consistently 10-15 cents cheaper than everyone else. However, more than a few people I know have related tales of woe following fill-ups at Arco.

  3. I paid 1.68 for regular on Sunday afternoon, but today I’ve seen 1.82 at the same station. If you don’t mind 7-11 or Racetrak, you can get it for 1.59.

  4. In Oakland, CA, 2.29 (or so) for regular. And it’s even higher in San Francisco. The prices some of the other folks here are mentioning are prices I haven’t seen in five years or more.

  5. Survey time

    Steve, aka Linkmeister, has set up a map cataloguing the various prices for gasoline throughout the US of A. You can get there through here. Interesting stuff. If you feel so inclined and you don’t see your city/region represented, feel…

  6. $1.68 per gallon right here in West Long Branch, New Jersey….home of the worst air around…smells like petrol today…sometimes it smells like napalm…but that’s another story for another time….

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