Blogs, Ads, & Euro-Employment

Are you ready for yet another blog indexing tool? Here’s Kinja, which compiles a digest of blogs by subject area. It’s in beta, thus the categories are limited at the moment, but give ’em time. If you’re so inclined, and you use Blogrolling, you can export your blogroll to your hard drive and then upload it to the Kinja site. Kinja wants an OPML file, and that’s the format Blogrolling uses to export, so you’re good to go. (Note: this presumes Blogrolling is up, something I had a problem with all morning).
Oh good grief. There’s an award for everything, so there might as well be a Hall of Fame for everything too, I suppose, but for Direct-to-Consumer Marketing? Yessiree bob, the people who have filled your TV screen with Claritin ads will be inducted into PhAME May 6. “The PhAME Awards are the first and most comprehensive award ceremony focusing on DTC marketing and communications — ‘creating a better informed and healthier world(TM)’. The award was created to recognize creative excellence, results and innovation in strategies, media and integrated campaigns.” Bleah.
This one’s more fun. If you can translate from Maltese to Finnish, the European Commission would like to hear from you. It’s not all fun and games, though: “The cost of the Union’s translation service is expected to rise from 500 million euros (611 million dollars) currently, with the existing 15 members and 11 languages, to 800 million euros (978 million dollars) when the 10 new countries join.” The EU projects it needs 110 new translators.
If you’re a scientist you should also go East. “If Europe is going to achieve its oft-repeated target of spending 3% of gross domestic project on research by 2010, it needs to recruit something like an additional 500,000 researchers.”

One Comment

  1. I’m hitting the end of my rope with the blogrolling thing. Sigh. I’ve been eyeing bloglines, but I’ll check out the kinja site, too. Thanks for the link! 😉

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