The dryer ate my…sponge?

I threw a couple of sponges into the wash while doing laundry this weekend, and I got back one and a half sponges. Half of one of them has disappeared without a trace. Checked the lint trap; zero green residue. Checked the washer’s tub; zip fragments. Checked the entire dryer compartment; nada. Checked all the clothes while folding; nothin’.
Update: Mystery solved! It had migrated into the right leg of a pair of Mom’s sweatpants, and she discovered it after wearing them all day!


  1. Same thing happened to me last Thursday, only not with a sponge. I somehow lost a long-sleeve dress shirt. It was there when I started the laundry and shouldn’t go into the dryer, so when I saw I hadn’t pulled the shirt out to hang on the line, I unloaded the dryer. 5 times. No shirt. Checked all around the washer and dryer, including behind. Nothing. It’s uncanny.

  2. Ah yes, Cassie; I should probably check the dryer’s exhaust outlet.
    Raye, you think that’s it? A merger between sponge and sock spiriters?
    Bunny, half a sponge is one thing; an entire shirt? Weird.

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