Blog stuff

Now this is interesting. A guy at MIT did a survey of bloggers.

Here we report the findings from an online survey conducted between January 14th and January 21st, 2004. During that time, 486 respondents answered questions about their blogging practices and their expectations of privacy and accountability for the entries they publish online

The results are fascinating. It’s worth a look.
While tinkering with the template you see before you, I found a few new blog tools; here are a couple. Mandarin Designs has lots of tips, from beginner level up to guru. Color Schemer allows you to test color combinations, and will suggest several based on the RGB or hex code you select, too. Both were very helpful.
Mom saw a comic strip this morning which prompted this thought: Wouldn’t it be nice if you heard an option at the end of a voice mail system which said “If you plan to remain our customer, press 9?”


  1. Thanks –
    I read the survey. It was very interesting. I seem to fit in to the reasonably conservative group. I don’t name names, and the only personal things I write about aren’t revealing, unless people think it’s revealing to go to a concert or the like.
    If I go on vacation, I don’t post anything till I get home.
    I never discuss religion or politics, although I occassionally comment about a wedding.
    I guess I’m a cautious person

  2. cool link to mandarin designs. i’ll have to take some time to digest that one! did you see my new color scheme? i thought it time to dismiss “stormy.” 🙂

  3. Blogging Survey

    I was visiting Linkmeister a few days ago and he commented on a very interesting article about blogging . I found it fascinating reading. As you might know, I’m an addicted blogger. It’s not a bad idea to know just…

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