World Democracy post-9/11

CalPundit remains Bush/Guard central, with new stories from the suddenly energized media appearing nearly hourly. Budget five minutes and read this remarkable article from the New Yorker. A DEMOCRATIC WORLD by GEORGE PACKER Can liberals take foreign policy back from the Republicans? In treating the war on terrorism as a mere military struggle, the Administration’s …

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Health care 101

If you want to understand the American health care system and its impact on the country’s economics, you should read this. It’s a succinct summary of a study commissioned by the Manufacturers Alliance and the National Association of Manufacturers. Curb your cynicism, though; it appears to be a relatively accurate description of the problem, despite …

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Where was the press?

From Campaign Desk comes this link to the New York Review of Books’ analysis of pre-war press coverage; it’s not a pretty thing. In the period before the war, US journalists were far too reliant on sources sympathetic to the administration. Those with dissenting views—and there were more than a few—were shut out. Reflecting this, …

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Not in Bodega Bay, but…

How did the 1918 flu virus infect humans? Well, viruses use “spike-like” molecules to attach themselves to cells, and apparently there were very few differences between the molecules in bird cells and those in humans for that particular virus, so it jumped pretty easily. This article from Time Asia explains what’s going on with avian …

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