Can’t get good help

My car registration needs to be renewed by the 29th, so I went looking for a service station to do the annual inspection yesterday. I had to drive about five miles to find one which had an inspector, passing about 20 other stations along the way. All of those had food marts or car washes, but no live attendants or service bay people. This is an annoying trend, no? What are we gonna do when the mom and pop gas stations all close?


  1. Convenience isn’t their main concern. And the Mom & Pop stations have been run out of business by the bigger, more monied businesses.
    Shame, isn’t it?

  2. There’s always the MLK Service & Repair in Pearl City, eh? (this has always cracked me up, and it’s been around since time immemorial … what, they service civil rights leaders? … okay, maybe it’s funnier when you’re stuck across from it in wicked rush-hour traffic)

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