You need what?

Yep, we have a Bill of Rights, alright. As I recall, it outlaws unreasonable search and seizure. So what’s this?

LAS VEGAS — Las Vegas hotel operators and airlines serving McCarran International Airport are being required by the FBI to turn over all guest and passenger names and personal information, at least during the holiday period, several sources said Tuesday. (My emphasis)
FBI spokesman Todd Palmer confirmed the federal action and said the requirement that the companies surrender customer information is a “normal investigative procedure.”
‘all cities of 50,000 or more had been told to [do] “what was needed to make sure the cities were safe and secure.”‘

Who gets to define “what was needed?” And when? And when does it stop? And is it happening in your town?
(From TalkLeft)


  1. I supposed you missed it (like many of us did watching Saddam get a tongue depressor being rammed down his throat)…
    Bush signed parts of Patriot Act II into law.

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