Video, cats, and other

I played hooky yesterday afternoon and went to see LOTR: The Return of the King. I thought it was very good indeed, but now I have a question for all you DVD aficionados: is the director’s commentary specific to each film? When we were given DVD players for Christmas, I also got The Two Towers extended version DVD, but I’m wondering if I should get the extended version of Fellowship, or just get the one which has the movie. If the commentary’s the same, what do I care? Anybody know?
Here’s one for the cat lovers: are you ready for National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day? The California Veterinary Medical Association answers 10 questions your cat may be asking you, including such winners as “what the hell do I want with an annual exam?”
And the next time you see your vet, he/she may have a PDA along. 700 disorders, right there at the doc’s fingertips.
Finally, from ABC’s The Note, “One thing we gotta mention: Dean is SMILING when he yelps. He’s not yelping in anger. So stop, fellow media world, saying that he was angry when he was yelping.” No kidding. I said at the time I first saw it, that’s cheerleading for the crowd, not rage. If I believed all the crap the talking heads have been spewing I’d think the guy was ready for the Jack Nicholson role in a remake of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.


  1. The extended DVDs of LOTR are definately worth it, but not so much for the commentary, (yes its specific to each film). The documentaries are amazing, but the real value is in the extended scenes … especially in Fellowship. I can’t wait for Nov, when RoTK comes out.

  2. Thanks for the cat lover site. Maybe my cats, Gracie, who lives inside and Mister, who lives outside and adopted us about 5 or 6 years ago. We bought Mister a little dog house and furnished it with a blanket so she isn’t too cold in the frigid weather. And we feed her so much, she’s pretty close to obese.

  3. The backstory on the Dean rant.
    Perhaps he was smiling becayse he was following a well-rehearsed script.
    As noted elsewhere :

    “If the Scream had come from a moment of excitement, it’s understandable. If the Scream was a calculated political move, it reveals numbnutty judgment on the part of the candidate and his staff: “Hey, Howard, go do the Scream; they’ll love it.”

  4. What, Pixelshim, do you hate Dean? Sounds like you do.
    Dean was cheerleading for several thousand depressed followers. I have no problem with what he did, but the media seems to have tried and made it his death-knell.

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