Sports and beverages

“I can’t take the TV coverage anymore….
I was switching channels between 60 Minutes and the Sugar Bowl last night, and I swear the producers of each show had colluded to ensure that commercial breaks between stories/action occurred simultaneously. This amusing screed is only incidentally about that, but I read that sentence and felt a ganglion twitch.
Another quixotic idea: the American Academy of Pediatrics wants to eliminate soda sales in schools. I admire and even agree (back in my day there were no vending machines at school!), but the odds of school districts giving up concession income in times of shrinking budgets seem remote at best.


  1. i with you. who needs kids juiced up on a sugar high (even if its a juice-type drink)? we didn’t have vending machines in our schools either (i couldn’t even get tea until high school); all the school offered from first through ninth grades was milk or water. and, PE should be mandatory (run those little couch potatoes ragged).

  2. P/E, like art and music, is rapidly becoming a victim of No Child Left Behind and all the other required exams which foster “teaching to the test,” I’m afraid.

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