Refutations and obfuscations

In support of the mass extinction story that came out in Nature last week, Carl Zimmer refutes Gregg Easterbrook and all the other skeptics.
As long as I’m in debunking mode, a new study throws cold water on the oft-repeated claim that greedy lawyers are destroying American businesses. Before you ask, the study wasn’t funded by either lawyers or corporations.
$1.5B to promote marriage? Are you kidding me? It would be used “for training to help couples develop interpersonal skills that sustain ‘healthy marriages.'”
The 9/11 panel wants an extension to complete its job and present its report, but the White House wants it done either by May as scheduled or not until December. So how come either/or? Oh, wait. Isn’t there an election in there somewhere? Part of the reason the panel wants the delay is because it’s had a terrible time getting documents from — the White House.

One Comment

  1. 1.5 BILLION? I won’t even ask if they’re nuts, cause obviously they are. That money would be better spent on housing the homeless (many of whom are children), education, healthcare, or any number of things. And exactly who is qualified to “teach” and get paid for providing this “service”?! How about creating some real jobs so that parents can work and provide for their children? They need to get a grip!

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