
AOL lists the top ten spam subject lines of 2003. No surprises here. Viagra, pharmacy, debt consolidation, and sexual enhancement products top the list.
I ain’t gonna do this anytime soon, but here’s how you turn your vinyl record collection into CDs. I have nearly 300 albums, and at 10MB per minute, that seems a tad out-of-reach for my current disk capacity. It would take some editing (do I need a digital copy of Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66?), but it’s nice to know it’s doable.
Oh my. Things Creationists Hate. Snagged from Making Light.


  1. Why oh why do they make it sound like you needs hundreds of dollars in equipment to do this on a Mac? All you need is Final Vinyl (free) and some kind of audio input. I use the Griffin Technology iMic Adapter, which is just plain awesome, but many Macs come with a line-level in jack that will work just fine, since Final Vinyl will give a 20 db boost. You don’t even need to have an amplifier. Plug the turntable outputs into your audio input, tell FV to give it a boost, and then start capturing audio.
    I converted about half of the Frank Zappa catalogue for a friend a while back, and all I did was capture the entire side of an album using Final Vinyl, use Quicktime Pro to cut it up into individual tracks, and then import the whole thing into iTunes and then burn it as an audio CD from there. I could have saved time by not chopping the captured audio into individual tracks, but you know. What’s the point of having it on CD if you can’t select the songs you want?

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