Friday food for thought

Ok, I told myself I wasn’t going to bash the media for at least two more days, but I didn’t say I wouldn’t pass along a column in which the media bashes itself.

Voters, come in, please. Take a seat. We need to have a little talk.
Listen, you’ve done some great work over the years, you really have. The entire country owes you a huge debt of thanks. But on behalf of the news media, the Washington pundits, various powerbrokers, assorted columnists, and esteemed talking heads, I have some news that it doesn’t give me any pleasure to give.
You’re fired.

(Written post-Iowa, post-NH results)
Remember the overtime rules the Administration demanded be left in the omnibus bill? Now:

Some companies are interpreting language in new national overtime pay rules as possibly allowing them to exempt workers who have received military training.

Apparently it ain’t enough to try to cut vets’ benefits directly, as the Bushies have done, now they want to screw the guys who are told “join the military and learn a trade.” Of course, the Dep’t. of Labor says it’s a misunderstanding, but any bets it gets to be interpreted that way?
Robert Reich has an op/ed which further discusses the lack of a Democratic establishment, as mentioned below.