Blog Burst


As part of an Iowa blog burst organized by Seth, here are some facts and figures about the state, along with links to pertinent caucus-related sites.
The capital of the state is Des Moines. The area (those 99 counties many of the Democratic candidates have been traveling through) is 56,275 square miles (or 145,753 square klicks, for those using the metric system). The population is 2,997,513, or 3 times the size of the population of Honolulu and 1/10 the size of the NY metropolitan area’s population. The Mississippi, Missouri, Des Moines, Iowa, and Cedar rivers flow through the state; the highest point is 1,670 feet. Major industries include food products, farm machinery, chemicals, electrical equipment, printing and publishing; the agriculture business includes raising hogs and beef cattle, and farming corn, soybeans, and oats. All of that was compiled from AllStays, a tourist-oriented website.
If you’re looking for more information about Iowa than that provided above, try these sites:

Happy surfing!


  1. Iowa Heating Up… Last Work Day before Monday

    Your talking dog is delighted with the response so far to the request for blog burst in anticipation of Monday’s “All Iowa All the Time” deliberate overkill coverage of the…

  2. Iowa Heating Up… Last Work Day before Monday

    Your talking dog is delighted with the response so far to the request for blog burst in anticipation of Monday’s “All Iowa All the Time” deliberate overkill coverage of the…

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