
We had lots of rain on New Year’s Eve, which may have diminished some of the noise and smoke we usually suffer through. I could tolerate it a lot better if my dog did; we had to give her three tranquilizers over a five-hour period, and she still hid under the bed for most of the evening. She wasn’t nearly as trembly as she has been in the past, though, and long about 1:30 am she came out and went to sleep in my room as she usually does. Meanwhile, I finished reading Jon Meacham’s Franklin and Winston, a Christmas book. I enjoyed it; it’s part bio and part history, replete with quotes from many of the still-surviving members of each man’s official circle and his family. That kept me up till 1:45 am.
Everybody have a good time?


  1. Had a great time. You’re the 4th person I’ve heard of that has read Franklin and Winston. I guess I’d better look into it. I’m reading the Da Vinci Code, and because we have company, haven’t been able to read a word in two days. Oh, the frustration.

  2. Penny, Tigger is now eleven; for the first eight years or so she was completely unfazed by this stuff (or rain, or thunder), but now it drives her crazy. So it drives us crazy, because we worry about her. 🙁

  3. I was so grateful for the rain this year — I’ll never forget the New Year’s Eve when we were living in a basement apartment in Waipahu, and smoke rolled down into the windows all night long. :p When DH came home from work the next morning he said it looked like it rained red paper! I hate to be unfestive and all, but this is one tradition I’ve never really appreciated.

  4. That’s weird Link because Bonnie didn’t get bothered by fireworks until she was about the same age. The lead up to Guy Fawkes night used to be a nightmare – 50 lbs of scared fat labrador trying to get on your knee’s no joke!

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