What bugs ya, baby?

Derek Lowe tells us what the discriminating pharma research chemist needs for Christmas is a tie depicting a nasty virus. Yup, Ebola, polio, gonorrhea, and, showing you how quickly fashion markets react, SARS! They’re all there, and if you forget what the designs represent, some of them are quite handsome. I’ll stick to aloha attire, myself; I’d have to take a remedial course in tie-tying if I had to wear one.


  1. Oh, I love IAwareables. I’ve given a few of their ties away as gifts (and I keep meaning to get the Testosterone ties for my business partners). They’re lovely, particularly the staph infection ties. They have little tags sewn into the back of the tie that tell you about the disease, and how you can avoid it.
    I gave one of the staph ties to a neuroradiologist of my acquaintance; he tells me he always gets comments on it when he wears it to conferences.

  2. Penny, why let that stop you? 😉
    Sue, a thousand years ago we were stationed in DC; the uniform there was dress blues, and Dad wore a tie all the time! (Of course, it was plain black…no imagination, those Navy personnel regulators).

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