Lists (not Liszt)

‘Tis the season for year-end lists, so here’s one from American Medical News. Did you know that 18,000 doctors are also pilots? Or that the biggest US health problems are related to eating, drinking and smoking? Or that only two states have laws requiring doctors to write legible prescriptions? It’s all here.
Then there’s the list of Ten Worst PR blunders of the year, as judged by a San Francisco PR firm. Topping the list: Fox sues Franken, boosting his book’s sales. Also included: the Pentagon’s terrorism betting scheme, Tyco’s birthday bash, and (of course) Michael Jackson’s child molestation imbroglio.
My own Christmas list is getting shorter, but it still has more on it than I’d hoped to have by December 22. And along with that “difficulty,” now I have a cold to go with it! Pass the Sudafed!


  1. Thought I was done with Christmas, but then, an ex-girlfriend of a family member showed up. It’s ok ’cause I love her, but I thought I was done!!!

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