It’s not easy being green

Yesterday was “assault the environment day” for the Bush Administration. It was manifested in several announcements: we’ll all have the opportunity to ingest more mercury. Think of that lovely silvery material gliding gently down your throat! Ain’t life grand?
Then, when we want to get away from the mercury, we can go to all those newly-cleared forests; they’ll be cleared because those pesky environmentalists won’t be allowed to tie logging companies up in court anymore (“it limits appeals and directs judges to act quickly on legal challenges to logging plans”).
I’m so proud of President Bush, standing up to those stupid people. How dare they stand in the way of progress for Weyerhauser, Pacific Timber, and all those other fine upstanding American companies out to make a buck save the forests by clear-cutting them?
Yessiree bob, it’s a great day to be an American!

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