Gadgetry 2003

A local high school is discussing banning cellphones in classrooms. To show you how little I know, the first thing I thought of was the noise of the ringers, but no. What the school teachers and administrators are worried about is possible text-messaging of test answers or even photographing the test questions. My goodness; I may still have shoes with answers scribbled on the soles!
If you’ve got electronic gizmos on your Christmas list, here’s a buying guide from the WaPo. It includes games, MP3s, digicams, WiFi, computers, handhelds and DVD players.


  1. Earlier in the semester, a student of mine was text-messaging in the middle of my class. I said “Hey, that’s a nice phone you’ve got there!” He said “Thanks.” I said, “Should I send you a text message telling you to put it away? Because my new phone is way cooler than yours.”

  2. Forgive the off-topic post, Linkmeister, but couldn’t find your email address on the site. Anyone who uses the initials TTY has got to be Air Force pre-1975. I fixed Kleinschmidts, Teletype Corp. machines and crypto gear from 1966-70 in Thule and then Ramstein. We used to give operators hell. “It’s running closed.” “It’s unplugged, stupid.” By. p.s. ryryryryryryryryr.

  3. E-mail follows, rivlax.
    Actually, it was RM, US Navy, 1972-1974, then DOD contract work on Kwajalein as a tty op 1975-1978. I wrote about it a while back.
    Follow the links contained within for some photos of gear you might recognize. 😉

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