1. MS aren’t bad; the holiday releases grew wearisome to me after a while, though. I have a good recommendation for you: A Winter’s Tale, by Loreena McKennitt. It’s a five song collection she did several years back that’s wonderful. Her voice is like crystalline moonlight.

  2. Thanks for the tip. I only listen to these about three times each all year, of course, so they haven’t yet begun to pall. Now if it were Ray Coniff’s Christmas Album or something…

  3. My favorite Christmas CD these days is “Oy to the World”, by the Klezmatics. Nothing says Christmas like “Jingle Bells” in Yiddish.
    It was a little disconcerting to see it show up in the ad space on Talking Points Memo, though.

  4. Christina, ain’t that the truth? I had a discussion with a friend in chat a while back and I asked her if there were any Klezmer versions of carols; she thought not. Lo and behold, a week later, there was that ad on Josh’s site! Serendipity lives.

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