1. Me! At Chaminade on the 20th.
    I’d’ve rather seen it at the Hawaii Theatre, all things considered, but the Chaminade group was offering a special price and backstage tour for the girls, so I caved. 😉

  2. A few years ago some friends and I met up at TGIF; one brought her 16-year-old daughter along. At that point I realized the last time I’d seen the daughter was about 8 years earlier when she performed in the Nutcracker at Leeward. Yikes!

  3. I love the Nutcracker! Where I live it tends to appear in the New year, after the pantomimes have finished. I’ve seen it three times – St Petersburg Ballet, Moscow Ballet and Sadlers Wells productions. I never get tired of the music 🙂

  4. I saw Nutcracker about 22 years ago and that was enough. The little girl’s outfit was torn and ripped from dry rot…
    However, if Jean Cocteau ever did direct a movie version of it–well, talk about surreal…
    I still can’t get his Sleeping Beauty out of my mind..what a wonder!

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