

Edited to Add: Other notable events of the day can be found here. Growing up, the one historical event I always associated with my birthday was the exposure of The Gunpowder Plot in 1605, when a group of Catholic dissenters attempted to blow up the English Parliament with King James in attendance. Later events have overtaken that in historical standing, as you’ll see if you click the first link.


  1. ack! you don’t recognize html – sorry, forgot – okay, I was trying to say it in purple – instead I will just shout it
    heh >..

  2. That’s very nice of you, Ms. Toxic, and thanks, Kuff. The taco chef threw out the last cupful of meat mixture, but there’s some enchiladas left. 😉

  3. I’m scandalized! I can’t believe that I missed the big day. I hope that it was entirely delightful, and marks the beginning of a happy and healthy year.

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