Senate skullduggery

I usually think of the Senate Judiciary Committee as the most partisan of all Senate Committees, the one with the deepest ideological split. So I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that one of Chairman Orrin Hatch’s staff members apparently “obtained” some Democratic memos from the computers used by Senators Kennedy and Durbin. Here’s more from the Associated Press, and Josh Marshall has gory details from Hatch’s press conference this afternoon. Senator Hatch seems a little shocked, but I don’t know why. His chairmanship has been hypocritical from the git-go; he’s the guy who’s changed rules on blue slips for judicial nominees and denied that Republicans ever blocked Clinton’s appointees. There’s nothing funny about this, except perhaps that this is the Judiciary committee; presumably even more than most Senate committees, this one should promote high ethical standards. Guess not, huh? (Original story link lifted from CalPundit).