Remembrance of things past

Back in January of 1974 I was on a month’s leave from the Navy here at my parents’ home in Hawai’i. I spent much of it excavating a hole in the side yard large enough to fit an aluminum-sided pool, and much of the rest of it waiting on the side of various roads to get into a gas station. The latter was caused by the 1973 Arab oil embargo, and it was about as frustrating a way to spend free time as I can remember.
What brings this up is my trip to the store today. I stopped at a gas station, only to learn that the place was out of gas! Unlike 30 years ago, there was no sign out front reading “No Gas,” I suspect because it undoubtedly makes as much money from its attached convenience store as it does selling gas. Since the needle was nearly on “E,” this was a small crisis. Fortunately, there were enough fumes left to get on down the road to the next nearest fuel dispenser, but it surely brought back memories.


  1. I remember that gas problem. The Moms would take the kids to the gas station during the day and sit and wait in line. Our family had two cars, but it was always the Mom who filled the gas tanks while the Dad was off earning enough money to pay for the stuff. It wasn’t too bad if you had a fun mom. But sometimes the wait was long!
    ps. we lived in a Navy town back in those days.

  2. Steve,
    I definitely think you need to check with Verizon; I’ve emailed ya three times now! 🙂
    Here’s the subject, WAY off topic. 🙂
    I’m wondering if you’d be interested in trading for either of the two Dragons players:
    Ulor T?mir
    Frealas Fareomli
    I’m open to discussions, including draft picks. I’m especially interested in T?mir, and he’s not playing for you at the moment, anyway, as he’s injured.
    Let me know what you’re looking for, and we’ll see what we can come up with.

  3. Here in the NE, the news tells us stories of oil gluts, and oil shortages, and rising prices, and lower prices…I can’t keep it all straight.
    But in your case, it really brought it all home…The oil shortage of ’73 was something. The gas station wouldn’t give us gas if we had 1/2 tank or higher. If we were on 1/2 tank and wanted gas, we were refused! It happened to me..

  4. Hey, I remember the odd/even days! Was it then, or later, that they’d hang flags out in front of the stations to indicate if gas was available or not? Red meant no gas was available, green meant all was well, and yellow meant you could purchase it, but with restrictions which I can’t recall.
    Mostly what sticks in my mind about that time was my dad purchasing a motorcycle … I got rides to school on the back of it through most of third grade, which was very cool. 😉

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