Public Service Announcement

Somebody is impersonating this guy and leaving comments about “liberals” as follows:

Go on a diet fatboy. You f***ing liberals are all the same. Always blaming America for the world’s problems. Your self loathing disgusts me. Why don’t you move to Canada you f***ing pacifist.

He calls himself “Raging Dave.” The link above goes to the real Raging Dave, and he’s angry about it. The reason I know is that I’ve seen those comments at least twice, and followed them back. I don’t agree at all with the victim’s politics, but I don’t like impersonations either, so if you get hit with those comments, let the real Raging Dave know by going to the above link and leaving him a comment, citing site and permalink, if possible.
The odd thing is the guy has hit sites which (no offense, folks) are not the most highly-trafficked on the web; it’s almost like a test run.


  1. The odd thing is the guy has hit sites which (no offense, folks) are not the most highly-trafficked on the web; it’s almost like a test run.
    Ouch, that hurts. Are you implying that my 15 hits per day don’t constitute “high traffic”?
    In truth, I really wonder how in the world the troll happened to stumble across my feeble little blog.

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