Dean, the Internet, and war

If you’re a marketing type with a tech bent, this article at Baseline magazine is a must read. It’s the backstory of the Dean campaign’s adoption of the ‘Net as one of its primary tools for organizing on the cheap. It’s useful info for anyone wondering how to harness this medium.
Also on Dean (this space is not becoming a Deanblog, but I did find this interesting as well):
Equating Dean with McGovern is just plain wrong, says Robert Kagan in the Washington Post.

Howard Dean is no George McGovern. He opposed the Iraq war, he says, because it was “the wrong war at the wrong time,” not because it was emblematic of a fundamentally misguided American foreign policy. Dean has not, in fact, challenged the reigning foreign policy paradigms of the post-9/11 era: the war on terrorism and the nexus between terrorism and rogue states with weapons of mass destruction. “I support the president’s war on terrorism,” he told Tim Russert this summer. He supported the war in Afghanistan. He even supported Israel’s strike against a terrorist camp in Syria because Israel, like the United States, has the “right” to defend itself.

Doesn’t sound like McGovern to me, either. Seems to me I’ve read that “wrong war” bit before.