BBC Movie poll

From the BBC: The votes have been counted, the nation has decided and Film 2003 can now announce the Worst Film Ever Top Ten.

  • Titanic
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence
  • Pearl Harbor
  • Vanilla Sky
  • The Blair Witch Project
  • Batman and Robin
  • The Avengers
  • Battlefield Earth
  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • Highlander II – The Quickening

I’m an agnostic; I haven’t seen any of them. Feel free to agree/disagree as you like. Click the link to see voters’ illuminating and snarky comments. (I’m not sure of the parameters here: I thought maybe they were all British films, but Pearl Harbor doesn’t qualify, and neither do several others. I couldn’t find the rules on the site.)


  1. You know, an awful lot of folks (including thousands of teenage girls) went to see Titanic over and over. It’s one of the biggest all-time money makers. I don’t think it belongs on that list. Nor do I think AI belongs on it, as that’s a movie I’ve actually seen and I quite liked it.

  2. I definitely agree with Pearl Harbor’s inclusion here. To add insult to injury, when they held the premiere (on a weeknight, if I remember correctly), their fireworks were so loud they were literally shaking the pictures on my walls. I was lying there hoping the picture of my grandparents wouldn’t fall on my head.

  3. Elayne, I’m not sure whether the BBC’s film show (Film 2003) was asking for serious input or just having fun. Certainly Titanic made a lot of young women swoon over Leonardo, and not incidentally made (grossed, anyway, given Hollywood’s accounting standards…) a bunch of money. As big melodramas go, I wouldn’t have called it the worst ever. Heaven’s Gate? Ishtar? 😉

  4. Heh, I liked Waterworld too. 🙂 There are a number of movies that, if you can watch without constantly reminding yourself of how much money they cost to make, are actually quite enjoyable.

  5. Jesus, I’ve seen them ALL.
    Titanic: sucked.
    AI: 30 minutes too long. Fade to black underwater looking at the blue fairy. The oedipal complex a bit too disturbing after that.
    Pearl Harbor: sucked.
    Vanilla Sky: Jury out. Potentially good.
    BWP: very, very good. Once. And only once.
    B & R: Sucked. But I don’t like any of them.
    Avengers: Not bad for what it is.
    Battlefield Earth: So bad it’s good. You have to watch it with and make Homer Simpson sounds when you comment.
    Eyes Wide Shut: Jury out. Potentially sucks.
    Highlander II: Sucked, but has the cool alien factor.

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