Wednesday whatsits

Forbes magazine is collecting a list of what its reviewers call Best Blogs. Obviously it’s subjective, but the editors have been clever; they’ve asked bloggers themselves. Among the categories so far: Travel, Econ, Sports, Medical, Tech, Media and Movies.
This is unfair. “Sonic Drive-In, a fast-food company, is partying at the Hawaii Convention Center this week as part of its 50th birthday celebrations.” Why unfair? I’ve been seeing ads for this outfit for years on TV, yet there’s not a single one of their restaurants in the state. Are they any good?
I wish I knew what was going on! Back here I complained that my C drive had suddenly been eaten by an unidentified 700MB monster; as of yesterday afternoon I was back up to 1GB available space on it, and I haven’t done anything! To quote a local entertainer, “I am so confused.”


  1. I really like Sonic – especially the limeades. Decent burgers too.
    Humorously it was one of the places Bunny wanted to visit when she came to see me in Louisiana.

  2. Sonic isn’t too bad. They serve tater tots instead of fries with everything, and a lot of them (that I’ve seen, anyhow) are set up like an old-fashioned drive-in with carhops.
    Those ads for restaurants/stores that are everywhere but here drive me nuts, too … Target especially! Teases!

  3. Red Lobster did it for years before they finally opened one down on Hobron Lane across from the Ilikai. It replaced a place called The Crab Catcher, which was pretty good itself. And Outback did the same thing.

  4. It was El Crab Catcher, wasn’t it? A girl I used to work with had a night job there, as a hostess, and she taught me my first Japanese-for-minimum-wage-hospitality-industry phrases, as a matter of fact. (I only mention the El because it seemed so incongruous and silly — why not Le Shiro’s Saimin Heaven or Der Spaghetti Factory, right?)

  5. Free Association

    Did you ever wonder how I move along from Point A to Point B (on the web, that is!)? In some respects, I think I am a master of free association and I often travel the links of the web in the same fasion. For example, last night, while I was thinking a…

  6. we don’t have sonic or crab catcher here in NJ..just tons of Dunkin’ Donuts.
    We even have a drive in Dunkin’ Donuts so no one can see what you look like when you order 5 dozen donuts…….(hic.)

  7. Sorry, no comments about the diner named after the videogame character or whatever. 🙂 But I wanted to thank you for the Forbes link, as I just wrote to them suggesting they broaden their “best blogs” to include more general interest or uncategorizable ones. Not all of us are just politics or just culture or just any one thing…

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