Paul Simon redux

Here’s some sound reasoning for you: 36 Reasons to Vote For Bush and Republicans in 2004. Samples:
Vote for President Bush and Republican Senators and Congressmen if:

  • You think $900/month ($10,800/year) is a fair price for a health insurance policy.
  • You believe drug companies should prevent you from buying Canadian drugs at half price.
  • You are a senior citizen and you think you are about to receive all your medication for free because President Bush has passed the “prescription drugs for seniors under Medicare” legislation.
  • You think large tax breaks for CEO’s making over $50 million are good, but your own CEO may have to cut the company budget and eliminate your position.
  • You never work or get paid for overtime so you don’t care about the recent Bush bill that will eliminate overtime pay for 8 million workers. You don’t know any of the 9 million unemployed U.S. and don’t know anyone in Iraq.

That’s only five; you’ll have to click the link to see the remainder. Some I agree with, some I don’t. The author is a freelance satirist who calls himself “a former staunch conservative Republican who will vote for Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) a progressive, populist in 2004 for his utmost honesty, integrity, common sense, and well thought out positions on all the important issues facing our country.” If you read the others, you’ll note that he does have that old-time Republican isolationist attitude towards foreign aid, which I emphatically do not share. (Link lifted from The Left Coaster).

One Comment

  1. Ya just never no what Bushwhacker will pull out of his magic hat during the course of a day. I wonder what all he is promising to Indonesia and the Far East of late???
    This jerk declared war on two countries within months of each other…
    Is that a record or did Ceasar or the Fuhrer outdo him????

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