1. I average dinner out maybe once a week. The rest of the nights, I cook. From scratch. I don’t use Stouffers or other convenience foods. The chemicals, fat, sodium, are too high and I have no ingredient control. Besides, I’m a damned good cook, and I like my own creations better. 🙂

  2. Scott and I are so busy with our new teaching schedules, grading armloads of papers, and trying to get research done that neither of us have time to cook. If I have the stuff and can start something in the crock pot (one of the greatest inventions EVER), we eat at home. Or, if Scott is feeling up to it, he’ll grill. Other than that, it’s eat out, order in, or sandwiches.
    too much information?

  3. I cook dinners when we’re home. I cook ahead and freeze for when we come home late. Haven’t seen the inside of a fast food joint or ordered out in about 3 months.

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