1. At the risk of being cynical, I can’t help but think that the people who most need to see this chart will not get the opportunity–doesn’t seem like the mogul run media will be publishing it anytime soon.
    Nice new fall design! Red looks good on you, Linky! 🙂

  2. Thanks for the link.
    It has been a long and reluctant process for me to come to the conclusion that we need 100% coverage in this country, and I am almost convinced that it should be a single payer system as well.
    The cost? Well, it will be huge – – probably more than $750 Billion a year.
    The problem will be a transition from the here and now to the future. What about the major job losses in the insurance industry? What about those physicians who will leave the profession rather than taking part? if it is single payer system, should it be handled through one’s employer? If so, how do we ensure that people’s wages rise accordingly so that they might pay the higher taxes…
    it will beinteresting, for sure.
    And bloody
    ps. Like the new site colors too!

  3. I’m no expert, but it seems unconscionable to me that the richest country in the world has 40+ million citizens with no health coverage. I’m not sure the burden should any longer be on the employer to offer it; I think it has to be government-sponsored. That will be very difficult to get to, given the sincere (and not-so-sincere) ideological differences between the politicians and their parties.

  4. but the government stance in health care sucks: re Medicare..
    Medicare will pay for just 3 years of kidney transplant immunosuppressive meds. What’s suppose to happen after the 3rd year???

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