Gotta get those Miami voters

President Bush talking about Cuba in the Rose Garden today:

A good soul in America who wants to be a tourist goes to a foreign-owned resort, pays the hotel bill — that money goes to the government. The government, in turn, pays the workers a pittance…

News item: Department of Labor wants to change overtime rules.

“In 78 job classifications that the group (that being the Economic Policy Institute) examined out of 257 white-collar occupations, an estimated 8 million workers would lose their right to overtime pay,” including emergency medical technicians, paralegals, licensed practical nurses, draftsmen, surveyors, reporters, editors, chefs, cooks, dental hygienists and health technicians.

Why does George Bush care more for Cuban workers than he does for American workers?


  1. George is the kind of guy you’d like to have wake up broke some morning so that he’d have to decide between paying the electric bill or eating this week. Maybe then it would dawn on him that overtime is a lot more important than the CEO getting an extra 50,000 shares in stock options this year.
    But I have my doubts if he cares very much about the Cuban workers either. Big hat, no cattle. He talks and never delivers.

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