Delay and ANWR

I saw this quoted in our newspaper’s Focus section today, and I went looking for the source. Since the legislative session was closed to the public, this is the best I could find. I’m a little surprised it hasn’t made more news, since it was reported on September 25, but anyway…Delay has declared open season on coastlines, mountains, and anywhere else energy might be found, no matter any other value those places might have.

DeLay: ANWR a “Precedent”
On Tuesday, during a closed-door session of the House GOP leadership, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) said that the battle in Congress to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration is a fight over whether energy exploration will be allowed in similarly sensitive areas in the future, a statement that surprised even Republicans in the room. (My emphasis)

Nice, huh? If you want to know more about what the second-most powerful man in the U.S. House is up to, check out the Tom Delay Watch section of U.S. Politics Today. That site has “Newsletters on every Governor, member of Congress, other political figures, groups and issues. Select from 800+ reports delivered by email daily.” It could be a very useful tool.


  1. Great resource! Thanks. The depressing thing is…even if we get rid of George, we’ll still be stuck with Delay. George is a significant part of the battle, but not the whole battle. Not by a long shot.

  2. My Mom’s house was torned down to make way for condos right on the Ocean..
    Someone who has paid over 1 million bucks may have an “ocean view” of a source of energy?
    imagine looking out your window and seeing pipelines being built instead of a marina….

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