Space–I need my space

A few days ago I had two 3GB hard drives, each with about 1GB available. Suddenly yesterday afternoon I got an error message that told me the C drive was full. Off into defrag land I went, having to disable any and all programs (like SETI) which try to write to disk. After much time, the C drive was defragged (the D drive remains at its 1GB available space), but the thing has only 370MB available. I’ve run out of ideas trying to figure out what humongous thing just ate 700MB of space. Anybody know of any easy (or not so easy) way to find it?
I should note I have gotten about 35 phony e-mails with that virus I mentioned below; I deleted all of them without opening anything, and I’ve also run a virus scan which turned up nothing. Any thoughts?


  1. didja reboot??
    Sorry, that’s about the extent of my PC-doctorness. Maybe it was the killer mice from Batty’s page….

  2. I use WinXp, and recieve their numerous security patch notifications automatically.
    The other day, I was astounded to see the total disk space they occupy, well over 100 Mb, that have been added this year.
    Not your immediate 700 Mb.. but worth considering.
    Once installed, can we remove the downloads? or do they need to stay?

  3. Pix, you’re askin’ the wrong guy. 😉
    I need a utility of some sort (preferably free…grins) which could identify files by size and date, point me to the specific folder each is in, and determine if they are unnecessary.

  4. There is an option aside from paying. Try one of the system utilities demos for its trial period, then toss it. This one is highly rated.
    You could also do a search on Version Tracker for freeware utilities.
    Another thought: I’m a (smug, of course) Mac user, but I do know that WinXP has a disk cleanup function in the control panel under performance and maintenance. It’s probably the same as deleting caches and scratch files on the Mac. You could also compress old files and store them in .zip format.

  5. No matter how hard I tried,
    I could find no reason for people to create software and then give it out for free.
    It costs hell of time to develop something, why not sell it?
    There must be some reason.

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