Assignment: SacBee

The Sacramento Bee is running a four-part series this week asking whether the Patriot Act and its hoped-for successor legislation goes too far towards limiting civil liberties. The paper gives some examples: Two middle-aged peace activists from San Francisco find themselves singled out by authorities as they try to board a flight to Boston for …

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Don’t bother me with facts

The AIDS work of Marie Stopes (see below) as a member of the Reproductive Health for Refugees Consortium has now been observed by Nick Kristof of the NYT. His opinion is that it’s doing work the Bush Administration would admire, if it bothered to look. It’s true that Marie Stopes International operates in China — …

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Take back the language!

“Linquistic Liberationists” Dan Gillmor and Dave Weinberger have launched a new project to “build a collective lexicon that ‘the people’ believe have been hijacked. Anyone is free to contribute.” The site is called Word Pirates. (Note: this is separate and distinct from today’s exhortation to Talk Like a Pirate!) Anyway, it looks like one of …

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Throw it up there and see what sticks

Plus ?a change, plus c’est la m?me chose: college textbook prices induce sticker shock. I can see why: $118 for a financial accounting book? Why, back in my day…the price was probably about $35. Here’s a sample of that opportunity cost I spoke of below: NIH funding is flat after inflation. Yo, coffee drinkers: Georgia …

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