High-tech job action

He said he empathizes with those who have lost jobs but that there’s no turning back. “The genie’s out of the bottle on offshore outsourcing,” he said, adding that 3 percent to 4 percent of IT budgets nationally are already earmarked for foreign labor.
It’s up to the government, not businesses, to handle the fallout of this shift, Rock said. “Businesses will go the path of least resistance and greatest savings.”

So said Gregg Rock, president and founder of Brainstorm Group. He spoke at an outsourcing conference in Northern California this week. The conference was picketed by out-of-work IT professionals, and attended by over 250 local businesspeople. “Forrester Research estimated that the number of U.S. computer jobs moving overseas will grow from about 27,000 in 2000 to more than 472,000 by 2015.”
It sort of ties in with the story cited below, doesn’t it? The low-wage jobs bring in immigrant workers, and the high-wage jobs leave. Both groups want protection.