9/11 news

George Mason University (hey! I took two summer courses there between my sophomore and junior years in high school!) has been working with City University of NY to create a digital repository of reactions to the terrorist attacks that day. The project contains “more than 100,000 digital files: e-mails, instant messages, video clips, audio recordings, even PowerPoint presentations and computer-animated cartoons documenting the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.” The Library of Congress will help preserve the archive.
As was long rumored but often discounted, several Saudi nationals exited the US in the days following September 11, 2001, apparently with White House blessings. Some of them were related to bin Laden.


  1. why do i doubt that there will be any fuss at all about the saudis, i mean we’ve known this, i don’t think having it confirmed is going to make all that much difference, and now it’s ooooold news.
    wow i sound like a cynical drag, huh? sigh.

  2. There is a soon to be released book about the Saudis, Pakistans, and Bin Laden connection. It could also establish that the “whited out” pages of the 9/11 report was about the Saudis..
    This is gonna be big!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Read about the book in Time Magazine.
    But because my brain is shot, I can’t remember the title right now..(While America Slept???)

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