
From Josh Marshall comes a link to a remarkable website which records the history of the 1965 and 1977 blackouts. I remember the 1965 one; I was living outside DC at the time, and it was amazing to think that only a few hundred miles away 30 million people were completely without electricity. Go, browse; it has links to the original Life magazine account (including an article by Loudon Wainwright, father of the singer), engineering reports, Federal Power Commission reports, and all manner of interesting material. The site is called The Blackout History Project, and I suspect the author will be updating it with data from yesterday’s events as they become available.


  1. This happens to be my niece’s first week as a New York City resident. She just moved here from San Diego.
    She walked down 43 flights of stairs from work during the power outage. She heard people in the elevators screaming for help. Everyone thought it was another 9/11..

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