Go fish

If you go to this site and click on “Aquariums,” then click either of the two photos in the middle of the resulting page, you’ll see what we have hanging in the family room directly over our television. Ours is the five-gallon size; it looks like the one on the right. Mom bought it in 1982 as a 35th wedding anniversary gift to my father. It was bought in desperation on the anniversary date; she had no ideas at all, but wandered into the store thinking she’d find some little thing to give him. Right. The damn thing was in a cardboard box, of course, and it weighed a ton, even without water. A corner of the box tore a hole in the seat cover of my car as I was taking it out of the car when I got home, as I recall. Ah well; it looks really nifty with fish swimming around inside. Judging from his current asking price, we got a bargain; Mom thinks she paid about $150 for it back then. Forget stocks and bonds, buy art.


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