Dollars and Sense

You know that Howard Dean made the covers of Time and Newsweek, but Business Week has a pretty flattering profile too; it calls him a fiscal conservative and says all those “liberal wacko” ideas about him are hooey.
So now Treasury has been politicized; it’s reneging on a commitment to tell the Senate which Saudi institutions and individuals have been investigated for ties to al-Qaeda. Paul Krugman has another example of Treasury data being fudged. If you can’t trust the numbers, how do you make informed decisions?
If you’ve ever tried to do medical trials research on the web, this idea will give you hope. A subscription to a medical journal will set you back a ton of money ($1000-$5000 a year), and even a one-time view can cost as much as $50 with no certainty that the article you’re paying for will be the one you need to read. Thus a new outfit that wants to publish new research articles in open-source on the web has garnered a lot of interest. Cross your fingers.